Sunday 13 February 2011

Joining the bloggers world!

Dear colleagues and education enthusiasts,

My journey towards Blogging and twitter started last year. Ben Kestner, my Middle School principal at BBIS from last year, a colleague who was highly interested in sharing his views, knowledge and opinions, using twitter and blogs. This year I was lucky to meet and work with Jeff Plaman, a passionate and knowledgable ICT educator and above all, an inspiring colleague and friend.

So here I am, writing my first blog, knowing this will help me in my desire to develop as a person, life-long learner and educator. I am hoping that writing these blogs and, hopefully, receiving feedback, will be a big part of my professional development in the coming years.
The aim is to keep this blog professional and keep it completely separate from my personal and social life.

Me and how I work!
This is it, I get excited, a smile comes to my heart starts beating faster, I start talking even mind kick starts when new exciting ideas and projects come to my attention. Change is what I like, it is positive for me and offers opportunities.
I have been Inspired by Kurt Hahn, during my period at UWCSEA, and so "there is more in you than you think" is a quote that stays very close to my heart and is something I use and think of on a daily basis.

Personal History.
Since 2001 I have been working in International Schools together with my wife Remke van Wijngaarden. We are both PE teachers, adventurous, positive thinkers and life long learners.
We worked at The Grange School in Chile, UWCSEA in Singapore and now at BBIS in Berlin, Germany.

Topics and present projects.
For now, I will start sharing my experiences in my work as Head of Department Physical Education and Athletic Director at BBIS, Berlin, Germany.
- Reviewing/ re-creating MYP Physical Education curriculum at BBIS.
- Developing ICT in Physical Education (Specifically; Direct Video Feedback by using the new Ipod Touches) I will be giving a presentation on this pilot during the ECIS, PE conference in Helsinki in April.
- Sign-up systems for Athletics program using Google docs. 
- Team building and leadership as department head.

In future blogs I will go deeper into the projects that keep me occupied and I hope you are willing to share your thoughts with me.

Join me: joost langendonck on twitter and keep track of new update on my blog.


1 comment:

  1. Joost,

    Really glad to have you blogging! I think you're going to find it a great way to reflect on your practice and connect with the community of educators around the world trying to shift the model.
