Wednesday 24 August 2011

Start of a new exciting year!

Wow, after a wonderful summer and 2 weeks of summer camps at BBIS we are now again in full swing. Seeing all colleagues was great and as a department we have had our first meeting to set goals for the year.

We will continue our iPod Touch project that we started last year and since last year we have purchased a lot to make a real impact ths year.
- 21 iPod Touches
- 2 Ipad's
- 1 MacBook-pro
- 1 Charger/sync case for 20 iPod's

Our PE staff is dead keen to get started with this project and we have 2 new, innovative, energetic and passionate ICT inclusion specialists on board as well. Our sports hall is wireless and so.............. we are good to go and ready to put this into practice.

From last year we know that using video for analyzing and giving feedback is a powerful educational tool. Students enjoyed working like this. Our Feed-pro movies (see earlier blogs) are very popular with students and teachers (check ItunesU for 21 instructional video's and vodcasts on rules in Badminton)

This week we have been getting our IT tools ready and have been discussing and researching
e-(s)portfolios options. What will we use? ,Google+, Tumblr, Facebook, Posterous etc etc? Not sure yet and any advise is welcome.

Here the lists of apps that we will be set up on the iPod Touches to start with:

1)      Red laser
2)      Cricket Coach
3)      Drop Box
4)      Translate app
5)      BT Free
6)      Runkeeper
7)      Heart Rate
8)      BMI calculator
9)      Burst Mode
10)   Fitness pro
11)   Body fitness
12)   First aid white cross
13)   Step test
14)   12 minute run test
15)   easy tag
16)   time motion
17)   context log

In my next blog I will give feedback on practicalities of how our project is working and I am 100% sure our PE department will have faced some challenges, solved some challenges and have come -up with new challenges.

Cool and exciting times!


Friday 11 March 2011

PE tutorials for ECIS ItunesU project

Together with @rlangendonck and @jplaman (twitter) am working on developing Physical Education tutorial video's which we will start using within our lessons at BBIS.

We are using Ipod touches with HD cameras within our lessons for students to use as a resource and feedback tool. The videos are available for the students on the devices and, in the future, possible to download from the server through WIFI.

We have left out sound as it proves to be difficult to hear in a inside or outdoors PE class setting.

ItunesU project (ECIS)
We will be joining ECIS in posting these tutorials through their channel on ItunesU, which should launch rather soon I believe.

Find below an example of a video that we have created. All video's will be in this same format. This is a draft version and so comments are welcome to improve.

Fear of Failure!

The BBIS PE Department provided a practical PD session to all elementary staff members. It proved to be a fantastic opportunity which led to a lot of discussion about learning. Many topics were touched upon but for me, one stood out; “The Fear of Failure”

It was so obvious that “fear” was, in some way, affecting the ES staff members in this inset and so it affected their learning. We were able to take the “Fear” away to maximize learning within the time available. We use this topic in our feedback session to develop a better understanding who we are, how we (as well as students) work and behave and in the end, what affect all this has on education?

The activities offered gave them an insight in the power and influence this “Fear” had on them while learning, even in a non-competitive, open-minded, professional environment. All staff members involved confirmed they needed to get over some hurdles before being fully ready for learning. It proved to me again that taking away this “Fear of failure” should get a massive amount of attention within a schools’ environment. It is so embedded in us that it makes you question how we teach our students to be open-minded and risk-takers when “Fear of Failure” has such a big affect on us, teachers!

In this situation, once the teachers had gone through the intro and instructions, they were asked to begin with the activity. All of them started by looking left and right, scanning their environment. There was a lot of giggling and talking (excuses) about why they were or were not able to complete the task. They expressed that others were obviously going to be much better at it, etc etc. They were bringing up excuses because?…..because in the end, they were lacking confidence?
It showed me that we still think too much about the end result, the trick, we think in judging and being judged. We think in facts and figures, in results and assessment. Assessment is scary because it tells (or we feel that it does) what you cannot do or do not well. To me, learning and education is about opportunities and assessment should be used to tell students what they can do to get better. It should promote the process.  
If we as teachers feel this “Fear” when learning and if it really affects us that easily, what is it then that we pass on when we teach our students? If we pass on this fear it denies people to learn and reach their full potential!
Quote from Salman Kahn “ We encourage you to experiment, encourage you to fail but we do expect mastery”

As we are in the process of reviewing our schools mission, I have made it a personal goal to see that this topic will get the attention I think it deserves.

In regards to Physical Education, there is work to be done. I am proud to say that our department is going from strength to strength and that we understand that our subject is a fantastic tool to help our students, as well as our colleagues, to make progress in this area.

Please comment and join me in this discussion and share your view with me through email, twitter etc.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Joining the bloggers world!

Dear colleagues and education enthusiasts,

My journey towards Blogging and twitter started last year. Ben Kestner, my Middle School principal at BBIS from last year, a colleague who was highly interested in sharing his views, knowledge and opinions, using twitter and blogs. This year I was lucky to meet and work with Jeff Plaman, a passionate and knowledgable ICT educator and above all, an inspiring colleague and friend.

So here I am, writing my first blog, knowing this will help me in my desire to develop as a person, life-long learner and educator. I am hoping that writing these blogs and, hopefully, receiving feedback, will be a big part of my professional development in the coming years.
The aim is to keep this blog professional and keep it completely separate from my personal and social life.

Me and how I work!
This is it, I get excited, a smile comes to my heart starts beating faster, I start talking even mind kick starts when new exciting ideas and projects come to my attention. Change is what I like, it is positive for me and offers opportunities.
I have been Inspired by Kurt Hahn, during my period at UWCSEA, and so "there is more in you than you think" is a quote that stays very close to my heart and is something I use and think of on a daily basis.

Personal History.
Since 2001 I have been working in International Schools together with my wife Remke van Wijngaarden. We are both PE teachers, adventurous, positive thinkers and life long learners.
We worked at The Grange School in Chile, UWCSEA in Singapore and now at BBIS in Berlin, Germany.

Topics and present projects.
For now, I will start sharing my experiences in my work as Head of Department Physical Education and Athletic Director at BBIS, Berlin, Germany.
- Reviewing/ re-creating MYP Physical Education curriculum at BBIS.
- Developing ICT in Physical Education (Specifically; Direct Video Feedback by using the new Ipod Touches) I will be giving a presentation on this pilot during the ECIS, PE conference in Helsinki in April.
- Sign-up systems for Athletics program using Google docs. 
- Team building and leadership as department head.

In future blogs I will go deeper into the projects that keep me occupied and I hope you are willing to share your thoughts with me.

Join me: joost langendonck on twitter and keep track of new update on my blog.
